Source code for pepys_import.core.formats.location

from shapely import wkb

[docs]class Location: def __init__(self, errors=None, error_type=None): self._latitude = None self._longitude = None if errors is None: self.errors = list() else: self.errors = errors if error_type is None: self.error_type = "Location Parsing Error" else: self.error_type = error_type def __repr__(self): return f"Location(lon={self.longitude}, lat={self.latitude})" def __str__(self): lon_format = f"{self.longitude:.3f}" if self.longitude is not None else None lat_format = f"{self.latitude:.3f}" if self.latitude is not None else None return f"{lon_format}, {lat_format}" def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Location): # don't attempt to compare against unrelated types return NotImplemented return self.latitude == other.latitude and self.longitude == other.longitude # Property to make a read-only .latitude property # that mirrors the hidden _latitude attribute @property def latitude(self): """Returns the latitude of the Location object, in decimal degrees :return: Latitude :rtype: float """ return self._latitude @latitude.setter def latitude(self, value): raise AttributeError( "Cannot set latitude directly. Use set_latitude_decimal_degrees or set_latitude_dms" ) # Property to make a read-only .longitude property # that mirrors the hidden _longitude attribute @property def longitude(self): """Returns the longitude of the Location object, in decimal degrees :return: Longitude :rtype: float """ return self._longitude @longitude.setter def longitude(self, value): raise AttributeError( "Cannot set longitude directly. Use set_longitude_decimal_degrees or set_longitude_dms" ) def _convert_and_check_degrees(self, degrees, lat_or_lon): try: degrees = float(degrees) except ValueError: self.errors.append( { self.error_type: f"Error in {lat_or_lon} decimal degrees value {degrees}. " f"Couldn't convert to a number" } ) return None, False if lat_or_lon == "latitude": max_value = 90 min_value = -90 elif lat_or_lon == "longitude": max_value = 180 min_value = -180 if degrees < min_value or degrees > max_value: self.errors.append( { self.error_type: f"Error in {lat_or_lon} degrees value {degrees}. " f"Must be between {min_value} and {max_value}" } ) return None, False return degrees, True def _convert_and_check_minutes(self, minutes, lat_or_lon): try: minutes = float(minutes) except ValueError: self.errors.append( { self.error_type: f"Error in {lat_or_lon} minutes value {minutes}. " f"Couldn't convert to a number" } ) return None, False if minutes < 0 or minutes > 60: self.errors.append( { self.error_type: f"Error in {lat_or_lon} minutes value {minutes}. " f"Must be between 0 and 60" } ) return None, False return minutes, True def _convert_and_check_seconds(self, seconds, lat_or_lon): try: seconds = float(seconds) except ValueError: self.errors.append( { self.error_type: f"Error in {lat_or_lon} seconds value {seconds}. " f"Couldn't convert to a number" } ) return None, False if seconds < 0 or seconds > 60: self.errors.append( { self.error_type: f"Error in {lat_or_lon} seconds value {seconds}. " f"Must be between 0 and 60" } ) return None, False return seconds, True def _convert_and_check_hemisphere(self, hemisphere, lat_or_lon): hemisphere = hemisphere.upper() if lat_or_lon == "latitude": valid_hemisphere_values = ("N", "S") elif lat_or_lon == "longitude": valid_hemisphere_values = ("E", "W") if hemisphere not in valid_hemisphere_values: self.errors.append( { self.error_type: f"Error in {lat_or_lon} hemisphere value {hemisphere}. " f"Must be {' or '.join(valid_hemisphere_values)}" } ) return None, False return hemisphere, True
[docs] def set_latitude_decimal_degrees(self, latitude): """Sets the latitude of the Location object to a latitude given in decimal degrees :param latitude: Latitude to set to, in decimal degrees (use +/- values for North/South) :type latitude: float :return: Whether latitude was set successfully :rtype: Boolean """ latitude, is_valid = self._convert_and_check_degrees(latitude, "latitude") if not is_valid: return False else: self._latitude = latitude return True
[docs] def set_longitude_decimal_degrees(self, longitude): """Sets the longitude value of the Location object to a longitude given in decimal degrees :param longitude: Longitude to set to, in decimal degrees (use +/- values for East/West) :type longitude: float :return: Whether longitude was set successfully :rtype: Boolean """ longitude, is_valid = self._convert_and_check_degrees(longitude, "longitude") if not is_valid: return False else: self._longitude = longitude return True
[docs] def set_latitude_dms(self, degrees, minutes, seconds, hemisphere): """Sets the latitude value of the Location object to a latitude given in degrees, minutes and seconds format. :param degrees: Degrees of latitude (must be positive float) :type degrees: float :param minutes: Minutes of latitude (must be positive float) :type minutes: float :param seconds: Seconds of latitude (must be positive float) :type seconds: float :param hemisphere: Hemisphere of latitude (must be "N" or "S") :type hemisphere: String :return: Whether latitude was set successfully :rtype: Boolean """ degrees, is_valid = self._convert_and_check_degrees(degrees, "latitude") if not is_valid: return False minutes, is_valid = self._convert_and_check_minutes(minutes, "latitude") if not is_valid: return False seconds, is_valid = self._convert_and_check_seconds(seconds, "latitude") if not is_valid: return False hemisphere, is_valid = self._convert_and_check_hemisphere(hemisphere, "latitude") if not is_valid: return False decimal_degrees = degrees + (minutes / 60) + (seconds / 3600) if hemisphere == "S": decimal_degrees *= -1 self._latitude = decimal_degrees return True
[docs] def set_longitude_dms(self, degrees, minutes, seconds, hemisphere): """Sets the longitude value of the Location object to a longitude given in degrees, minutes and seconds format. :param degrees: Degrees of longitude (must be positive float) :type degrees: float :param minutes: Minutes of longitude (must be positive float) :type minutes: float :param seconds: Seconds of longitude (must be positive float) :type seconds: float :param hemisphere: Hemisphere of longitude (must be "E" or "W") :type hemisphere: String :return: Whether longitude was set successfully :rtype: Boolean """ degrees, is_valid = self._convert_and_check_degrees(degrees, "longitude") if not is_valid: return False minutes, is_valid = self._convert_and_check_minutes(minutes, "longitude") if not is_valid: return False seconds, is_valid = self._convert_and_check_minutes(seconds, "longitude") if not is_valid: return False hemisphere, is_valid = self._convert_and_check_hemisphere(hemisphere, "longitude") if not is_valid: return False decimal_degrees = degrees + (minutes / 60) + (seconds / 3600) if hemisphere == "W": decimal_degrees *= -1 self._longitude = decimal_degrees return True
[docs] def to_wkt(self): """Returns the location stored in the Location object in Well-Known Text format, ready for assigning to the _location attribute of a SQLAlchemy/GeoAlchemy model :return: Well-Known Text of location :rtype: String """ return f"SRID=4326;POINT({self.longitude} {self.latitude})"
[docs] def set_from_wkb(self, wkb_string): """Sets the location from a Well-Known Binary blob :param wkb_string: String containing Well-Known Binary blog in hex format :type wkb_string: String """ point = wkb.loads(wkb_string, hex=True) self._longitude = point.x self._latitude = point.y
[docs] def set_from_wkt_string(self, wkt_string): """Sets the location from a Well-Known Text string :param wkt_string: Well-Known Text :type wkt_string: String """ longitude, latitude = wkt_string[16:-1].split() self._latitude = float(latitude) self._longitude = float(longitude)
[docs] def check_valid(self): """Checks whether the location is valid (ie. has both a latitude and a longitude) :return: Validity :rtype: Boolean """ if self._latitude is None: return False if self._longitude is None: return False return True
[docs] def decimal_degrees_to_degrees_minutes_seconds(self): """Converts decimal degrees of latitude and longitude values to degrees, minutes, and seconds""" if self.check_valid(): latitude = abs(self.latitude) lat_minutes, lat_seconds = divmod(latitude * 3600, 60) lat_degrees, lat_minutes = divmod(lat_minutes, 60) longitude = abs(self.longitude) lon_minutes, lon_seconds = divmod(longitude * 3600, 60) lon_degrees, lon_minutes = divmod(lon_minutes, 60) return lat_degrees, lat_minutes, lat_seconds, lon_degrees, lon_minutes, lon_seconds
[docs] def convert_point(self): """ Returns formatted latitude and longitude values. The format is as follows: DD(D) MM SS.SS H (Degrees Minutes Seconds Hemisphere) """ dms_values = self.decimal_degrees_to_degrees_minutes_seconds() latitude = f"{dms_values[0]:02g} {dms_values[1]:02g} {dms_values[2]:02g}" latitude_hemisphere = "N" if self.latitude >= 0 else "S" longitude = f"{dms_values[3]:03g} {dms_values[4]:02g} {dms_values[5]:02g}" longitude_hemisphere = "E" if self.longitude >= 0 else "W" return f"{latitude} {latitude_hemisphere}\t{longitude} {longitude_hemisphere}"
[docs] @classmethod def from_geometry(cls, geom): if geom is not None: loc = Location() if isinstance(geom, str): loc.set_from_wkt_string(geom) else: loc.set_from_wkb(geom.desc) return loc else: return None