Source code for pepys_admin.view_data_cli

import csv
import os

from iterfzf import iterfzf
from prompt_toolkit import HTML, prompt
from prompt_toolkit.lexers import PygmentsLexer
from pygments.lexers.sql import SqlLexer
from sqlalchemy import inspect
from sqlalchemy.exc import InvalidRequestError, OperationalError, ProgrammingError
from sqlalchemy.orm import RelationshipProperty, class_mapper, load_only
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import text
from tabulate import tabulate

from pepys_admin.base_cli import BaseShell
from pepys_admin.maintenance.column_data import get_assoc_proxy_names_and_objects
from pepys_admin.utils import get_default_export_folder
from import constants
from pepys_import.utils.table_name_utils import table_name_to_class_name
from pepys_import.utils.text_formatting_utils import (


[docs]def bottom_toolbar(): return HTML("Press <b>ESC</b> then <b>Enter</b> to run query")
[docs]class ViewDataShell(BaseShell): """Offers to view table and run SQL.""" choices = """(1) View Table (2) Output Table to CSV (3) Run SQL (4) Output SQL Results to CSV (.) Back """ def __init__(self, data_store, viewer=False): super(ViewDataShell, self).__init__() self.data_store = data_store self.aliases = { ".": self.do_cancel, "1": self.do_view_table, "2": self.do_output_table_to_csv, "3": self.do_run_sql, "4": self.do_output_sql_to_csv, } self.viewer = viewer if viewer: self.prompt = "(pepys-viewer) (view) " else: self.prompt = "(pepys-admin) (view) "
[docs] def do_cancel(self): """Returns to the previous menu""" print("Returning to the previous menu...")
def _get_table_names(self): """Gets the table names using SQL Alchemy's inspect db functionality.""" # Inspect the database and extract the table names inspector = inspect(self.data_store.engine) if self.data_store.db_type == "postgres": table_names = inspector.get_table_names(schema="pepys") else: table_names = inspector.get_table_names() # Exclude spatial tables table_names = [ name for name in table_names if not name.startswith("idx") and not name.startswith("virts") and not name.startswith("geometry") and not name.startswith("views") and not name.startswith("sql") and not name.startswith("KNN") and not name.startswith("ElementaryGeometries") and not name.startswith("data_licenses") and not name.lower().startswith("spatial") ] # Sort table names in alphabetical order table_names = sorted(table_names, key=str.casefold, reverse=True) return table_names
[docs] def do_view_table(self): """Asks user to select a table name. Converts table name to class name, fetches the objects up to the number of MAX_ROWS_DISPLAYED, and prints them in table format. """ table_names = self._get_table_names() message = "Select a table >" selected_table = iterfzf(table_names, prompt=message) if selected_table is None: return text = self.generate_view_table_text(selected_table) print(text)
[docs] def generate_view_table_text(self, selected_table): headers = [] associated_attributes = [] output_text = "" # Table names are plural in the database, therefore make it singular table = table_name_to_class_name(selected_table) if table == constants.ALEMBIC_VERSION: with self.data_store.engine.connect() as connection: if self.data_store.db_type == "postgres": result = connection.execute(text("SELECT * FROM pepys.alembic_version;")) else: result = connection.execute(text("SELECT * FROM alembic_version;")) result = result.fetchall() output_text += "Alembic Version\n" output_text += tabulate( [[str(column) for column in row] for row in result], headers=["version_number"], tablefmt="grid", floatfmt=".3f", ) output_text += "\n" return output_text # Find the class table_cls = getattr(self.data_store.db_classes, table) assert table_cls.__tablename__ == selected_table, "Couldn't find table!" # Inspect the class using mapper mapper = class_mapper(table_cls) for column, column_property in zip(mapper.columns, mapper.column_attrs): # Skip RelationshipProperty instances, because their associated attributes are going to be printed if column.primary_key is True or isinstance(column_property, RelationshipProperty): continue # Take only if column is not a foreign key and it is not deferred if column_property.deferred is False and not column.foreign_keys: headers.append(column.key) # Get the association proxy attributes for this table associated_attributes, _ = get_assoc_proxy_names_and_objects(table_cls) if "privacy_name" in associated_attributes: associated_attributes.remove("privacy_name") header_attributes = [getattr(table_cls, header_name) for header_name in headers] # Fetch first rows up to MAX_ROWS_DISPLAYED, create a table from these rows with self.data_store.session_scope(): values = ( self.data_store.session.query(table_cls) .options(load_only(*header_attributes)) .limit(MAX_ROWS_DISPLAYED) .all() ) headers.extend(associated_attributes) # Sort headers headers.sort() table_data = [[str(getattr(row, column)) for column in headers] for row in values] output_text += f"{selected_table}\n" output_text += tabulate( table_data, headers=headers, tablefmt="grid", floatfmt=".3f", ) output_text += "\n" return output_text
[docs] def do_output_table_to_csv(self): """Asks user to select a table name. Fetches all objects, and exports them to a CSV file.""" table_names = self._get_table_names() message = "Select a table >" selected_table = iterfzf(table_names, prompt=message) if selected_table is None: return path = os.path.join(get_default_export_folder(), f"Pepys_Output_{selected_table}.csv") table = table_name_to_class_name(selected_table) with self.data_store.engine.connect() as connection: if self.data_store.db_type == "postgres": sqlQuery = f'SELECT * FROM pepys."{selected_table}";' # The nosec comment below tells the Bandit security analysis tool (used by Codacy) # to ignore this line. It can't cause a SQL injection attack as the inserted text # is selected by the user from a fixed list provided by our code results = connection.execute(text(sqlQuery)) # nosec else: results = connection.execute(text(f"SELECT * FROM {selected_table};")) # nosec results = results.fetchall() if table != constants.ALEMBIC_VERSION: table_cls = getattr(self.data_store.db_classes, table) headers = list(table_cls.__table__.columns.keys()) else: headers = ["version_num"] with open(path, "w") as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow(headers) writer.writerows(results) print( f"{selected_table} table is successfully exported!\nYou can find it here: '{path}'." )
def _check_query_only_select(self, query): stripped = query.strip() split_by_whitespace = stripped.split() if len(split_by_whitespace) > 0: # If it doesn't start with SELECT then it is not acceptable if split_by_whitespace[0].upper() != "SELECT": return False split_by_semicolon = stripped.split(";") # If there is anything except whitespace after a ; then it is not acceptable if len(split_by_semicolon) > 2: return False if len(split_by_semicolon) == 2 and split_by_semicolon[1].strip() != "": return False # If we've got here then we're ok return True def _get_sql_results(self): """Asks user to enter a query, then runs it on the database. If there isn't any error, returns query and the results.""" while True: print( "This feature of Pepys allows you to run arbitrary SQL queries against the Pepys database." ) print("Please use with care, in admin mode these queries can alter data.") print("") print("Example SQLite query: SELECT * FROM Platforms;") print('Example Postgres query: SELECT * from pepys."Platforms";') print("") query = prompt( "> ", multiline=True, bottom_toolbar=bottom_toolbar, lexer=PygmentsLexer(SqlLexer) ) if not self.viewer: # In admin mode, accept all queries break only_select = self._check_query_only_select(query) if only_select: break else: custom_print_formatted_text( format_error_message( "Error: Only SELECT queries are allowed in Pepys Viewer. Please enter another query.\n" ) ) if query: with self.data_store.engine.connect() as connection: try: results = connection.execute(text(query)) results = results.fetchall() return query, results except ( ProgrammingError, OperationalError, InvalidRequestError, ) as e: print( f"SQL Exception details: {e}\n\n" "ERROR: Query couldn't be executed successfully.\n" "See above for the full error from SQLAlchemy." ) return None, None
[docs] def do_run_sql(self): """Executes the input. Prints the results of the query in table format.""" query, results = self._get_sql_results() if query and results: res = f"QUERY\n{'-' * 20}\n{query}\n{'-' * 20}\nRESULT\n" res += tabulate( [[str(column) for column in row] for row in results], tablefmt="grid", floatfmt=".3f", ) res += "\n" print(res)
[docs] def do_output_sql_to_csv(self): """Executes the input. Exports the results of the query to a CSV file.""" query, results = self._get_sql_results() if query and results: path = os.path.join(get_default_export_folder(), "Pepys_Output_SQL_Query.csv") with open(path, "w") as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow([f"Executed Query: {query}"]) writer.writerows(results) print(f"SQL results are successfully exported!\nYou can find it here: '{path}'.")