Source code for pepys_admin.snapshot_helpers

import inspect
from datetime import datetime

from geoalchemy2.elements import WKTElement
from iterfzf import iterfzf
from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import prompt
from sqlalchemy import or_
from sqlalchemy.sql.functions import func

from import sqlite_db
from import TableTypes

[docs]def row_to_dict(table_object, data_store): """Converts all entities of a table into a dict of {column_name: value}s. :param table_object: A table object :type table_object: sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.DeclarativeMeta :param data_store: A :class:`DataStore` object :type data_store: DataStore :return: Returns a dictionary with values :rtype: Dict """ with data_store.session_scope(): values = data_store.session.query(table_object).all() objects = list() for row in values: d = { getattr(row, for column in row.__table__.columns} objects.append(d) return objects
[docs]def find_sqlite_table_object(table_object, data_store): """Finds and returns a SQLite Base class which will be used to create and insert values. :param table_object: A table object :type table_object: sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.DeclarativeMeta :param data_store: A :class:`DataStore` object :type data_store: DataStore :return: Returns a table object :rtype: sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.DeclarativeMeta """ if data_store.db_type == "postgres": for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(sqlite_db): if inspect.isclass(obj) and name == table_object.__name__: return obj else: return table_object
[docs]def get_time_from_user(prompt_text): valid = False while not valid: time_str = prompt(f"{prompt_text} (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS): ") try: time_obj = datetime.strptime(time_str, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") valid = True except ValueError: print("Invalid time entered, please try again") return time_obj
[docs]def get_number_from_user(prompt_text): valid = False while not valid: value = prompt(prompt_text) try: float_value = float(value) valid = True except ValueError: print("Invalid number entered, please try again") return float_value
[docs]def export_reference_tables(source_store, destination_store, table_objects): """Copies table objects from :code:`source_store` to :code:`destination_store`. :param source_store: A :class:`DataStore` object to fetch objects :type source_store: DataStore :param destination_store: A :class:`DataStore` object to copy the objects from source_store :type destination_store: DataStore :param table_objects: A list of table objects :type table_objects: List :return: """ for table_object in table_objects: dict_values = row_to_dict(table_object, source_store) object_ = find_sqlite_table_object(table_object, source_store) with destination_store.session_scope(): destination_store.session.bulk_insert_mappings(object_, dict_values)
[docs]def export_metadata_tables(source_store, destination_store, privacy_ids=None): """Copies :code:`Platform`, :code:`Sensor`, :code:`Datafile` and :code:`Synonym` objects from :code:`source_store` to :code:`destination_store`. :param source_store: A :class:`DataStore` object to fetch objects :type source_store: DataStore :param destination_store: A :class:`DataStore` object to copy the objects from source_store :type destination_store: DataStore :param privacy_ids: A list of Privacy ID's which is used to filter objects :type privacy_ids: List :return: """ for table_object in [ source_store.db_classes.Platform, source_store.db_classes.Sensor, source_store.db_classes.Datafile, source_store.db_classes.Synonym, ]: with source_store.session_scope(): dict_values = list() if table_object.__name__ == "Platform": query = source_store.session.query(table_object) if privacy_ids is not None: query = query.filter(table_object.privacy_id.in_(privacy_ids)) values = query.all() platform_ids = [row.platform_id for row in values] elif table_object.__name__ == "Sensor": query = source_store.session.query(table_object).filter( ) if privacy_ids is not None: query = query.filter(table_object.privacy_id.in_(privacy_ids)) values = query.all() sensor_ids = [row.sensor_id for row in values] elif table_object.__name__ == "Datafile": query = source_store.session.query(table_object) if privacy_ids is not None: query = query.filter(table_object.privacy_id.in_(privacy_ids)) values = query.all() else: all_ids = list() all_ids.extend(platform_ids) all_ids.extend(sensor_ids) values = ( source_store.session.query(source_store.db_classes.Synonym) .filter(source_store.db_classes.Synonym.entity.in_(all_ids)) .all() ) for row in values: d = { getattr(row, for column in row.__table__.columns} dict_values.append(d) object_ = find_sqlite_table_object(table_object, source_store) with destination_store.session_scope(): destination_store.session.bulk_insert_mappings(object_, dict_values)
[docs]def export_all_measurement_tables(source_store, destination_store): measurement_table_objects = source_store.meta_classes[TableTypes.MEASUREMENT] with source_store.session_scope(): with destination_store.session_scope(): for table in measurement_table_objects: export_measurement_table_with_filter(source_store, destination_store, table)
[docs]def export_measurement_table_with_filter(source_store, destination_store, table, filter=None): if isinstance(table, str): table_object = getattr(source_store.db_classes, table) else: table_object = table dict_values = [] query = source_store.session.query(table_object) if filter is not None: query = filter(table_object, query) results = query.all() if len(results) == 0: return data_attributes = [] for col in table_object.__table__.columns: prop = getattr(table_object, data_attributes.append(prop.key) for row in results: d = {} for attrib in data_attributes: d[attrib] = getattr(row, attrib) dict_values.append(d) object_ = find_sqlite_table_object(table, source_store) with destination_store.session_scope(): destination_store.session.bulk_insert_mappings(object_, dict_values) print(f"Exported {len(results)} entries from {table.__name__}")
[docs]def export_measurement_tables_filtered_by_time( source_store, destination_store, start_time, end_time ): def time_attribute_filter(table_object, query): """Filters on the time attribute of a table, so works for State, Contact, LogsHolding and Comment""" query = query.filter(table_object.time >= start_time) query = query.filter(table_object.time <= end_time) return query def start_end_attribute_filter(table_object, query): return _start_end_filter(table_object, query, start_time, end_time) with source_store.session_scope(): with destination_store.session_scope(): tables_with_time_attribute = [ source_store.db_classes.State, source_store.db_classes.Contact, source_store.db_classes.Comment, source_store.db_classes.LogsHolding, source_store.db_classes.Media, ] for table in tables_with_time_attribute: export_measurement_table_with_filter( source_store, destination_store, table, time_attribute_filter ) tables_with_start_end_attributes = [ source_store.db_classes.Activation, source_store.db_classes.Geometry1, ] for table in tables_with_start_end_attributes: export_measurement_table_with_filter( source_store, destination_store, table, start_end_attribute_filter, )
[docs]def export_measurement_tables_filtered_by_location( source_store, destination_store, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax ): def location_attribute_filter(table_object, query): # Note: We can't use the ST_MakeEnvelope function, as it's not supported by spatialite # so we have to create the WKT polygon manually. This is only done once for the filter # so it shouldn't have an efficiency impact wkt = f"POLYGON(({xmin} {ymin},{xmin} {ymax},{xmax} {ymax},{xmax} {ymin},{xmin} {ymin}))" query = query.filter( func.ST_Within( table_object.location, WKTElement(wkt, srid=4326), ) ) return query def geometry_attribute_filter(table_object, query): # Note: We can't use the ST_MakeEnvelope function, as it's not supported by spatialite # so we have to create the WKT polygon manually. This is only done once for the filter # so it shouldn't have an efficiency impact wkt = f"POLYGON(({xmin} {ymin},{xmin} {ymax},{xmax} {ymax},{xmax} {ymin},{xmin} {ymin}))" query = query.filter( func.ST_Within( table_object.geometry, WKTElement(wkt, srid=4326), ) ) return query with source_store.session_scope(): with destination_store.session_scope(): tables_with_location = [ source_store.db_classes.State, source_store.db_classes.Contact, source_store.db_classes.Media, ] for table in tables_with_location: export_measurement_table_with_filter( source_store, destination_store, table, location_attribute_filter ) export_measurement_table_with_filter( source_store, destination_store, source_store.db_classes.Geometry1, geometry_attribute_filter, )
[docs]def export_measurement_tables_filtered_by_wargame_participation( source_store, destination_store, selected_wargame ): def wargame_participation_filter_with_time(table_object, query): # Note: We can't use the ST_MakeEnvelope function, as it's not supported by spatialite # so we have to create the WKT polygon manually. This is only done once for the filter # so it shouldn't have an efficiency impact wargame_start = selected_wargame.start wargame_end = selected_wargame.end query = query.filter( source_store.db_classes.Platform.wargame_participations_objects.contains( selected_wargame ), table_object.time >= wargame_start, table_object.time <= wargame_end, ) return query def wargame_participation_filter_with_start_end(table_object, query): wargame_start = selected_wargame.start wargame_end = selected_wargame.end query = query.filter( source_store.db_classes.Platform.wargame_participations_objects.contains( selected_wargame ) ) query = _start_end_filter(table_object, query, wargame_start, wargame_end) return query with source_store.session_scope(): with destination_store.session_scope(): tables_with_time = [ source_store.db_classes.State, source_store.db_classes.Contact, source_store.db_classes.Comment, ] for table in tables_with_time: export_measurement_table_with_filter( source_store, destination_store, table, wargame_participation_filter_with_time ) export_measurement_table_with_filter( source_store, destination_store, source_store.db_classes.Activation, wargame_participation_filter_with_start_end, )
[docs]def export_measurement_tables_filtered_by_serial_participation( source_store, destination_store, selected_serial ): with source_store.session_scope(): with destination_store.session_scope(): # Get a list of all Platforms taking part in the serial, and their participation times participants = source_store.session.query( source_store.db_classes.SerialParticipant ).filter( source_store.db_classes.SerialParticipant.serial_id == selected_serial.serial_id ) for participant in participants: platform_id = participant.platform.platform_id start_time = ( participant.start if participant.start is not None else selected_serial.start ) end_time = participant.end if participant.end is not None else selected_serial.end print(f"{platform_id}: {start_time}, {end_time}") def filter_function_time(table_object, query): query = query.filter( table_object.platform_id == platform_id, table_object.time >= start_time, table_object.time <= end_time, ) return query def filter_function_start_end(table_object, query): query = query.filter(table_object.platform_id == platform_id) query = _start_end_filter(table_object, query, start_time, end_time) return query tables_with_time = [ source_store.db_classes.State, source_store.db_classes.Contact, source_store.db_classes.Comment, ] for table in tables_with_time: export_measurement_table_with_filter( source_store, destination_store, table, filter_function_time ) export_measurement_table_with_filter( source_store, destination_store, source_store.db_classes.Activation, filter_function_start_end, )
def _start_end_filter(table_object, query, start_time, end_time): query = query.filter( or_( ( # Deal with entries where start is missing, so just do a standard 'between' search on end (table_object.start == None) # noqa & (table_object.end >= start_time) & (table_object.end <= end_time) ), ( # Deal with entries where end is missing, so just do a standard 'between' search on start (table_object.end == None) # noqa & (table_object.start >= start_time) & (table_object.start <= end_time) ), ( # Deal with entries where we have both start and end, and want to test all overlap possibilities (table_object.start != None) & (table_object.end != None) & ( ((table_object.start >= start_time) & (table_object.end <= end_time)) | ( (table_object.start >= start_time) & (table_object.start <= end_time) & (table_object.end >= end_time) ) | ( (table_object.start <= start_time) & (table_object.end <= end_time) & (table_object.end >= start_time) ) | ((table_object.start <= start_time) & (table_object.end >= end_time)) ) ), ) ) return query def _select_wargame(data_store): results = data_store.session.query(, data_store.db_classes.Wargame.wargame_id, ).all() wargame_dict = dict(results) if len(wargame_dict) == 0: print("No wargames defined") return None selected_wargame_name = iterfzf(wargame_dict.keys(), prompt="Select wargame: ") selected_wargame_id = wargame_dict[selected_wargame_name] return selected_wargame_id