Source code for pepys_admin.cli

import argparse
import os
from importlib import reload

from prompt_toolkit import prompt

import config
from pepys_admin.admin_cli import AdminShell
from pepys_admin.viewer_cli import ViewerShell
from pepys_import.cli import set_up_training_mode
from import DataStore
from pepys_import.utils.data_store_utils import is_schema_created
from pepys_import.utils.error_handling import handle_database_errors
from pepys_import.utils.text_formatting_utils import (

[docs]def main(): # pragma: no cover """ Main function which parses the command line arguments, creates a :code:`DataStore` object and calls :code:`run_admin_shell` to open a shell. """ db_help = ( "SQLite database file to use (overrides config file database settings). " "Use `:memory:` for temporary in-memory instance" ) training_help = ( "Uses training mode, where all interactions take place with a training database located " "in the user's home folder. No actions will affect the database configured in the Pepys config file." ) viewer_help = "Start Pepys Admin in Viewer mode, where the only actions available are those under the 'View Data' menu" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Pepys Admin CLI") parser.add_argument("--viewer", help=viewer_help, action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("--path", type=str, help="CSV files path") group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument( "--training", help=training_help, dest="training", default=False, action="store_true" ) group.add_argument("--db", help=db_help, required=False, default=None) args = parser.parse_args() run_shell(db=args.db, path=args.path,, viewer=args.viewer)
[docs]def run_shell(path, training=False, data_store=None, db=None, viewer=False): """Runs the shell. Arguments allow specification of individual args from command-line (db, path, training) or specification of a data_store instead of a db name, to allow for advanced use in unit tests. """ if data_store is not None and db is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot specify both db and data_store") if training: set_up_training_mode() # Reload the config file in case we're in a long-running process because of pytest and # the config file details have changed since the last test reload(config) if viewer: welcome_text = "Pepys_viewer" else: welcome_text = "Pepys_admin" if data_store is None: if db is None: data_store = DataStore( db_username=config.DB_USERNAME, db_password=config.DB_PASSWORD, db_host=config.DB_HOST, db_port=config.DB_PORT, db_name=config.DB_NAME, db_type=config.DB_TYPE, welcome_text=welcome_text, ) else: data_store = DataStore( db_username="", db_password="", db_host="", db_port=0, db_name=db, db_type="sqlite", welcome_text=welcome_text, ) try: if viewer: with handle_database_errors(): if is_schema_created(data_store.engine, data_store.db_type) is False: custom_print_formatted_text( format_error_message( "Database schema does not exist: tables cannot be viewed" ) ) return ViewerShell(data_store, path).cmdloop() else: with handle_database_errors(): AdminShell(data_store, path).cmdloop() except SystemExit: # This makes sure that calling exit() from within our code doesn't actually exit immediately, # instead it drops out to here, where we can still ask the final training mode question pass if training: answer = prompt(format_command("Would you like to reset the training database? (y/N) ")) if answer.upper() == "Y": if os.path.exists(config.DB_NAME): os.remove(config.DB_NAME)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()